Let´s see this week summary of news about LTE:
Interview with Jeff Glueck, cialis CEO de Skyfire, about mobile telecom needs to cover during FIFA World Cup 2014 in Brazil.
• http://lteworld.org/blog/lte-deployments-cover-57-population-2018
Information about LTE the deployment in 2018.
• http://www.movilzona.es/2013/07/16/analisis-de-la-conexion-4g-de-vodafone-con-un-modem-lte/
(Language: Spanish) 4G Vodafone connection analysis made in several areas of Madrid.
(Language: Spanish) Information about the increase of the download limit in Vodafone 4G data fees.
NSN comparison between VoLTE and others VoIP alternatives.
Information about the intention of Yoigo to deploy its 4G network in every city over 70.000 inhabitants before the end of the year.
Other interesting links
• http://4g.orange.es/cobertura.html
On the website of Orange it´s already possible to check its 4G network coverage.
¡See you next week!
Published originally in http://intotally.com/tot4blog/ by Helena Muñoz Ayuso (contact) or follow me on Linkedin